Library at a Glance

The College Library is to sustain a physically and virtually appealing environment that promotes learning, teaching and research. It fosters lifelong intellectual growth and self-fulfilment by providing all users with versatile accessibility to needed information resources. It also stimulates to promote individual sharing of ideas and love of reading and social enlightenment, enrichment throughout the knowledge society. It also supports in excellence and innovation in education and research Library works on Libsys software. Library is also fully air-conditioned and has 16 CCTV’s to keep a close watch on the users so as to minimize the losses and mutilation of reading material. Our college library is an institution within the institution. The young minds are exposed to ever expanding fields of knowledge which lies dormant in books and journals. An endeavour is to make them library minded. Ours is functional, well equipped and fully computerized library having a proud collection of more than 1 Lakh books on its open shelves and in addition to this collection, library also has e-resources (6000+ ejournals and 30,00,000 + eBooks subscribed through INFLIBNET and other online free databases. About 650 students and staff visit the library daily to read books, magazines, newspapers and to do their assignments.