About Us

Post Graduate Government College, Sector 11, Chandigarh is as old and as young as the City Beautiful. Its growth and expansion have kept pace with the growth and expansion of the city.
The college was established on May 26, 1953, in the building now housing the Mountview Hotel. Later it shifted to the premises of Government Model Senior Secondary School in Sector 23.
It moved finally to its present building in Sector 11 on October 13, 1960. Since its inception, it has witnessed a steady growth in its infrastructure and enrollment. The college building which was originally designed by E Maxwell Fry to accommodate 700 students, now has more than 3272 students with additions in infrastructure.
The college was envisaged as a leading institution having its own distinct impress on the educational and cultural map of the ‘City Beautiful’. A prestigious temple of learning, (just in the footsteps of famous Govt College, Lahore), that could grow into an epicentre of intellectual and aesthetic activities in the region. Being the first college in the city, it has proved itself eminently worthy of its role as a torch-bearer in the whole gamut of broad-based instruction. The college aims at providing congenial atmosphere and constructive channels to its young scholars for the fullest development of their multi-dimensional personalities. It has always been our earnest endeavour to direct the collective efforts towards the inculcation of intellectual brilliance, moral uprightness, and ethical awareness, so as to shape young boys and girls into responsive and responsible members of society. ‘Higher and Still Higher’ is the motto of the college.
The college imparts instructions in Science, Humanities, Commerce, Biotechnology, Business Administration, Computer Applications and B.PEd up to Graduation level, along with instruction in Post Graduate courses in English, History, Hindi, Punjabi, Commerce, Chemistry, Physics and InformationTechnology. The commerce wing was added in 1970, followed by New Block in 1980 and IT Block in 2001. M.A. English was introduced in 1991 and M.Sc.(IT) was started in 2000. MA History has been introduced from July 2007. BBA and BCA classes were introduced in 1999. B.Sc Computer Science was introduced in july 2004. Biotechnology Course was started in the year 2005 and B.PEd 4-year course was started in 2004. Functional English was introduced in 1998 and Add-On courses were introduced in 2005. We have well furnished library,03 hostels, Swimming Pool, Botanical Garden, Gymnasium Hall, College Auditorium and Seminar Room.
During the past 50 years the college has scaled many a glorious height, has taken tremendous strides and carved for itself a secure niche in the educational edifice in this part of the country. It has consistently won laurels in the spheres of academics, sports and other creative activities. A cross-section of our student community has the enviable position in administrative services, education, medicine, engineering, business, industry, and even politics. They are the trend setters for the present generation of students
After more than five decades of dedicated work, we have reasons to look back with an ample sense of fulfillment. But we are not complacent. We take a fresh look at our parameters and priorities. Though the rudiments of instruction remain the same, we have to brace ourselves afresh to meet new challenges thrown up by the changing times. With an unflinching faith and unswerving resolution, we have to rededicate ourselves toward the goal of reaching glorious pinnacles of excellence. We hope to generate in our students – the future citizens of our great land, a spirit of fearlessness, frankness, incorruptible truthfulness, compassionate sympathy, noble fervour and inexhaustible patience; and above all, a ceaseless search for ‘Pure Knowledge’ that redeems all.